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Members of the Local Group of Galaxies

Nearby Local Group Members

WLM         00 01 58  	-15° 27 39	10.9v	12 x 4		IB(s)m V	950	LGC	CET	DDO221	
IC 10       00 20 20  	+59° 18.0	10.3v	6.3 x 5.1	IB(s)m IV	660	M31	CAS	UGC192	
CETUS       00 26 11  	-11° 02.5	14.0	?		dE		780	?	CET	-	
NGC 147     00 33 12  	+48° 30.5	9.5v	13 x 8		dE5		660	M31	CAS	DDO3	
AND III     00 35 29  	+36° 30.5	13.5p	4.5 x 3		dE		760	M31	AND	-	
NGC 185     00 38 58  	+48° 20.2	9.2v	12 x 10		dE3		660	M31	CAS	UGC 396
NGC 205     00 40 22  	+41° 41.1	8.1	22 x 11		SAO-		760	M31	AND	M 110	
NGC 221     00 42 42  	+40° 51.9	8.1	8.7 x 6.5	cE2		760	M31	AND	M 32	
NGC 224     00 42 44  	+41° 16.1	3.4	190 x 60	SA(s)b I-II	760	M31	AND	M 31	
AND I       00 45 40  	+38° 02.2	13.6	2.5 x 2.5	E3		810	M31	AND	-	
SMC         00 52 44  	-72° 49.7	2.3	320 x 185	IB(s)m V	60	M.W.	TUC	NGC 292
SCULPTOR    01 00 09  	-33° 42.5	9.0	40 x 31		dE		90	M.W.	SCU	E 351G30
PISCES      01 03 54  	+31° 53.0	18.0	2 x 2		Im VI		810	M31	PSC	LGS3	
IC 1613     01 04 46  	+02° 07.1	9.2	16 x 15		IB(s)m V	720	M31	CET	DDO8	
AND V       01 10 17  	+47° 37.7	15	?		dE		810	M31	?	-	
AND II      01 16 30  	+33° 25.2	13	3.6 x 2.5	dE		680	M31	PSC	-	
NGC 598     01 33 51  	+30° 39.6	5.7	71 x 42		SA(s)cd II-III	790	M31	TRI	M 33	
PHOENIX     01 51 07  	-44° 26.7	12.5	4.9 x 4.1	IAm V		400	M.W.	PHO	-	
FORNAX      02 39 59  	-34° 27.0	9	17 x 13		dE0		140	M.W.	FOR	E356G04
LMC         05 23 34  	-69° 45.4	0.6	645 x 550	IB(s)m IV	50	M.W.	DOR	-	
CARINA      06 41 37  	-50° 58.0	16	23 x 16		E3		100	M.W.	CAR	E206G220
LEO III     09 59 26  	+30° 44.8	12	5.1 x 3.1	IBm V		690	LGC	LEO	LEO A
LEO I       10 08 27  	+12° 18.5	10	9.8 x 7.4	dE		250	M.W.	LEO	DDO74	
SEXTANS     10 13 03  	-01° 36.9	12	-		dE		90	M.W.	SEX	-	
LEO II      11 13 29  	+22° 09.3	12	12 x 11		dE0		210	M.W.	LEO	DDO93	Leo B
UMi         15 09 11  	+67° 12.9	11	30 x 19		dE		60	M.W.	UMI	DDO199	
DRACO       17 20 12  	+57° 54.9	10	36 x 25		dE		80	M.W.	DRA	DDO208	
MILKY WAY   17 45 40  	-29° 00.5	-	-		SB:(rs?)bc:II?	-	M.W.	SAG	-	
SagDEG      18 55 03  	-30° 28.7	-	-		dE	-	M.W.	SAG	-	
SagDIG      19 29 59  	-17° 40.7	15	2.9 x 2.1	IB(s)m V	30	LGC	SAG	UKS1927-177
NGC 6822    19 44 56  	-14° 48.1	9	16 x 14		IB(s)m V	500	LGC	SAG	DDO209	
AQUARIUS    20 46 52  	-12° 50.9	13.9	2.2 x 1.1	IB(s)m V	950	LGC	AQU	DDO210	
TUCANA      22 41 50  	-64° 25.2	15	2.9 x 1.2	dE4		870	LGC	TUC	-	
AND VII     23 26 31  	+50° 41.5	13	2.5 x 2.0	dE?		690	M31	-	-	
PEGASUS     23 28 35  	+14° 44 .6	13	5.0 x 2.7	Im V		760	LGC	PEG	DDO216	
AND VI      23 51 46  	+24° 35.0	14	4.0 x 2.0	dE?		780	M31	-	-	
"WLM" is "Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte" "SagDEG" is the "Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy" (discovered 1994, containing M54) "SagDIG" is the "Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy"

Nearby Non-Member Galaxies

NGC 404     01:09.4	+35°43'		10.1v	4.4 x 4.1				And
NGC 1569    04:30.8	+64°51'		11.2v	2.9 x 1.5				Cam
NGC 1560    04:32.8	+71°53'		11.5v	9.8 x 2.0				Cam
Cam A       04:37.2	+71°31'										Cam
Argo dw     07:05.3	-58°31'         	3.5 x 1.7				Car
2318-42     23:20.8	-41°44'										Gru
UKS2323-326 23:26.5	-32°23'										Scl

Doubtful or Unconfirmed Candidates listed in some sources

Galaxy             listed  Rem

1010-27            McGraw  (= Ant dw ?)
UGC 9128 (DDO 187) McGraw
Capricornus dw     McGraw  Formerly cataloged as "globular cluster" Palomar 12
UMa dw             LGAA     
Sex C              LGAA

As our Milky Way obscures parts of the sky, there is still a steady flow of new discoveries of galaxies, in low galactic latitudes (i.e., near the equatorial plane of our galaxy, where the obscuring dust is most dense). Also, some of the galaxies are of extreme low surface brightness, and it was only recently possible to detect them. Therefore, it must be expected that more Local Group members exist, obscurred by dust, or extremely faint, and are still waiting for their detection somewhen in the future.
