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OzSky Observing Resources

Following are a number of observing resources which you might find useful when planning your trip to The OzSky Star Safari.

  • The "Bambury 600" Southern Skies Observing List - John Bambury
    The BAM600 is a list of 600 observing targets for the Southern Hemisphere, covering all different types of targets and catering to various telescope apertures and observer experience...

  • The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) - Andrew Murrell
    The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is an irregular galaxy in orbit about our own Milky Way. At a distance of about 200,000 light years, it is one of the Milky Way's nearest neighbours...

  • The Local Group of Galaxies - Andrew Murrell
    This resource contains information regarding the history and science of the Local Group of Galaxies, along with contributed observations which also contains a complete list of galaxies known to be members of the Local Group...

  • Treasures of the SMC - Andrew Murrell
    This is a series of articles compiled by Andrew Murrell discussing highlights in the Small Magellanic Cloud...

  • The OzSky Southern Skies Showcase List - Lachlan MacDonald
    The OzSky Southern Skies Showcase List is a new list of "eye candy" observing targets for the Southern Hemisphere, covering the majority of "eye candy" objects which are best observed from southern latitudes and the two annual OzSky Star Safaris...

  • The Mag 7 Star Atlas Project - Andrew L. Johnson
    This project is a very successful attempt to produce a free, downloadable set of high-quality star charts – the Mag-7 Star Atlas – capable of being printed at reasonable resolutions on the average home printer.

    The Mag-7 Star Atlas plots stars down to Magnitude 7.25, with double / multiple stars indicated by a thin horizontal bar. Plotted DSO’s (Deep Sky Objects) include all objects on the Messier list, the RASC’s finest NGC list, and the Herschel 400 list — more than 550 DSO’s in total.

    This work is licenced under a Creative Commons License. Basically it is free to download, use, and or distribute this work for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. You can create and distribute derived works if they follow the same licence.

  • Toshimi Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Toshimi Taki
    150-chart collection of the entire sky created by Toshimi Taki of Japan.

  • Night-Sky Objects for Southern Observers v5 - Rob Horvat
    This project emerged from a developing interest in astronomy and as a personal challenge to create some easy-to-use southern hemisphere maps. In its original version (V1), these maps and their object descriptions were the culmination of some 2000 hours of object research, data collection, programming and diagram construction. This time did not include visual observing at the eyepiece. Note on copyright. This document may be freely reproduced without alteration for educational or personal use. It is not to be sold, in part or whole, for profit.

  • The Clouds of Magellan - Patrick Kavanagh
    A fantastic website dedicated to making it easier to navigate the Magellanic Clouds, to encourage observing and imaging of them and to provide links to some of the research into these extraordinary and stunning galaxies.

  • The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Astronomy
    A useful new guide to getting into the hobby of astronomy.

Observing Lists and Programs:

Weather and Climate Resources:

Useful Australia-wide Weather Links:
WX Maps Medium Range Forecasts for Australia
Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) Climate Data - Main Page

Location-specific Weather Links:
The OzSky Star Safari OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari
Cloud Free Night
Solar Exposure - Coonabarabran
SkippySky Astro Weather Forecast
Meteoblue Weather - Coonabarabran
Weather Underground - Coonabarabran
Monthly Climate Statistics - Airport (Recent data only)
Monthly Climate Statistics - Town (More historical data)
Intellicast - Goulburn
Meteoblue Weather - Markdale
Weather Underground - Markdale
Solar Exposure - Crooked Corner
Monthly Climate Statistics - Crookwell

Register Now to secure your place at one of these unique OzSky Star Safaris.

OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari (read more...)

Can't make it to the next OzSky "Classic" Star Safari in March? Or perhaps you have already been to several OzSky "Classic" Star Safaris and you are now looking for a different time of year to explore the other half of the Southern night skies?

Why not consider the next OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari instead, for your next Southern Skies observing trip!