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Detailed Monthly Information Flyers

Each month (bi-monthly for "Alumni" events) in the lead up to each OzSky Star Safari, registered participants will receive one of a series of emails containing useful information to help make your bookings, logistics and planning process as simple and efficient as possible.

These emails will be sent via a private mailing list which is also available for participants to use to correspond with others in the group in the lead up to, and after, the OzSky Star Safari. Once the email has been sent to everyone in the group, that document will also become available here for ease of reference.

These flyers contain important and useful information which we encourage you to read thoroughly. Many folks also find it very useful to print these attachments and place in a folder for future reference, however we are now also publishing a copy of those attachments here after they have been distributed to registered participants.

Topics which are usually covered in these emails will include the following:

The OzSky "Classic" Star Safari OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari
  1. Jun: Overview, Trip Planning, Bookings & Logistics
  2. Jul: Observing Expectations, Observing Lists
  3. Aug: Weather & Climate Expectations
  4. Sep: Suggested Day Trips & Activities
  5. Oct: Introducing your OzSky Volunteer Hosts
  6. Nov: Optional Train Bookings
  7. Dec: Pre-OzSky "Meet & Greet" Dinner in Sydney
  8. Jan: On-Site Catering & Meal Options
  9. Feb: Participant Profiles, Rooming Assignments, Site Map
  10. Mar: Schedule of Activities, Astro Almanac
  11. Mar: Last Minute Reminders & Packing Lists
  12. Apr: Final Wrap-Up Report
  1. Feb: Overview, Trip Planning, Bookings & Logistics
  2. Apr: Observing Expectations at OzSky "Alumni"
  3. Jun: Weather & Climate, Accommodation, Catering Options
  4. Aug: Optional Convoy, Driving Directions, Suggested Day Trips
  5. Oct: Participant Profiles, Rooming Assignments, Site Map & Astro Almanac (by email only)
  6. Nov: Last Minute Reminders & Packing Lists
  7. Nov: Check-in and Check-out Instructions Upon Arrival (by email only)
  8. Dec: Final Wrap-Up Report

Additional Information Links

Location-specific Weather Links:
The OzSky "Classic" Star Safari OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari
Cloud Free Night
Solar Exposure - Coonabarabran
SkippySky Astro Weather Forecast
Meteoblue Weather - Coonabarabran
Weather Underground - Coonabarabran
Monthly Climate Statistics - Airport (Recent data only)
Monthly Climate Statistics - Town (More historical data)
Intellicast - Goulburn
Meteoblue Weather - Markdale
Weather Underground - Markdale
Solar Exposure - Crooked Corner
Inside Systems Weather Forecast Charts
Monthly Climate Statistics - Crookwell

Useful Australia-wide Weather Links:
WX Maps Medium Range Forecasts for Australia
Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) Climate Data - Main Page

3RF Australia (OzSky's hosts) - Sydney, NSW
Three Rivers Foundation - Crowell, Texas
Driving Directions to Coonabarabran
Listing of Rental Car Companies in Dubbo
Listing of Rental Car Companies in Sydney
Train Booking Site (Sydney to Dubbo)
Warrumbungles Mountain Motel - Site Info
Site Motel Room Pictures
Warrumbungles National Park brochure (9.3 MB)
Warrumbungles Map
Animal Checklist

Information on Bird Watching:
Birding Report Coonabarabran
Bird Routes of Baradine & Pilliga
Bird Route Summary – Baradine & Pilliga
Birding AUS Warrumbungles & Pilliga Report
Van Robinson’s Bird List NSW

Register Now to secure your place at one of these unique OzSky Star Safaris.

OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari (read more...)

Can't make it to the next OzSky "Classic" Star Safari in March? Or perhaps you have already been to several OzSky "Classic" Star Safaris and you are now looking for a different time of year to explore the other half of the Southern night skies?

Why not consider the next OzSky "Alumni" Star Safari instead, for your next Southern Skies observing trip!